Staring At the Sun Ritual

Warning: Do not actually try this. Almost everyone who has done this ritual has reported that it was not worth it. You will loose your sight and possibly go insane or die.
When to do this ritual: 12:00PM on any clear day.
Pros: 33% chance to gain infinite wisdom.
Cons: 33% chance of madness. 100% chance of permanent and total blindness.
What you will need:
1. A watch or mobile device that keeps time.
2. A pair of high-quality aviation binoculars.
Step 1: Wait until high noon on a clear day in any country that is not in Scandinavia.
Step 2: Look at the noon sun through your binoculars.
Once you have completed the ritual, one of three things will happen. You may go blind, but gain deep insights into hidden secrets of the universe. Or you may go blind, and go mad from the voices that are now in your head. Or you might just go blind.